With this calculator you can perform calculations with numbers in the sexagesimal number system (times and angles).
Similar calculations | |
Angles | Angles and trigonometric functions |
Difference watch | Differences between the actual and a prescribed time |
Usage of the calculator for times and angles:
Times are written in the format hours:minutes:seconds.
The same format can be used for angles.
As example, the input of 50°06'56" is written as 50:6:56.
Decimal numbers can be used for all values.
For a calculation click on any empty space in the window
or on the "calculate" button.
With the "continue" button you can transfer the result
into the first input field for another calculation.
Use the "reset" button to reset your calculation.
In the menu behind the result field you can choose the format of the result
("hours:minutes:seconds" or "hours:minutes" or "hours")
The last number may be written as decimal value.
This can be used for the transformation from the sexagesimal number system
to the decimal system.
A process lasts 34 minutes and 40 seconds.
How long does it take to repeat this process 7 times?
Type the time "0:34:40" into the input field 1.
Choose the operation multiplication "*".
Type the number "7" into the input field 2.
Click on the "calculate" button or any empty space in the window.
Read the result.
The repitition of the process by 7 times takes 4 hours, 2 minutes, and 40 seconds.
Honolulu is located at a geographic longitude of 157°50'.
What is the distance from that city to the 180° meridian?
Type "180" into the input field 1.
Choose the operation subtraction "-".
Type the coordinate "157:50" into the input field 2.
Click on the "calculate" button or any empty space in the window.
Read the result.
Honululu is located at a distance of 22°50' from the 180° meridian.
If you need the result as a decimal value, choose "hr"
in the menu behind the result field.
The result is 22.167°.
You want to transform 5°17'38" to a decimal value.
Click on the "reset" button.
Type "5:17:38" into the input field 1.
In the menu behind the result field choose "hr".
Read the result (5.2939).
Vice versa, you can type a decimal value (e.g. 4.5881) into the input field 1
and read the value in the result field as hr:min:sec (4:35:17.16) or as hr:min (4:35.286).
- There is no warranty for the calculation. Cactus2000 is not
responsible for damage of any kind caused by wrong results.
- Please send an email if you have suggestions or if you would like to see more
conversions to be included.
© Bernd Krüger, 05.12.2017