With the help of this calculator you can perform several calculations concerning acceleration. For a given constant acceleration you may calculate the time until which a certain speed is reached or in which a certain distance is covered. All calculations assume a starting speed of zero and they may also be performed vice versa.
Similar calculations | |
Acceleration 1 | Conversion of units for acceleration |
Speed 1 | Conversion of units for speed |
Speed 3 | Calculations concerning speed |
Always choose the correct unit in the corresponding pull-down-menu
before you type a value.
At first give the value for the acceleration. This is either done directly in the
field for the acceleration a on top or you calculate the value.
For this you type the speed v and the time tv after which the speed
is reached into the corresponding fields.
You may also type the distance s and the time ts
in which the distance was covered during the constant acceleration.
With the input acceleration you can now perform calculations by typing a time
tv or ts and calculate the speed that was reached or
the distance that was covered during this time, respectively.
Also calculations vice versa are possible.
After the input of a value the calculation is performed
with the next mouse-click on any free space of the window or on the
For calculations with a new value of the acceleration you can type this into the
field a. For other inputs click on the "reset" button before.
A car accelerates within 7 seconds from zero to a speed of 100 km/h.
What is its acceleration and which distance is covered in the time?
If you had made inputs before, click on the "reset" button.
Then choose "km/h (kilometer per hour)" as unit for the speed in the
corresponding pull-down-menu and type the value of the speed "100"
Then type the value for the time ("7") in seconds.
After the next mouse-click on any free space of the window or on the
"calculate"-button you can read the value of the acceleration
(a = 3.9683 m/s²). With the corresponding pull-down-menu you may also choose
another unit (e. g. 13.019 ft/s²),
Now type the time in seconds for ts ("7").
After the next mouse-click on any free space of the window or on the
"calculate"-button you can see that the car would have covered
a distance of 97 m during its constant acceleration.
- Please note the remarks about the
representation of numbers..
- There is no warranty for the calculation. Cactus2000 is not
responsible for damage of any kind caused by wrong results.
- Please send an email if you have suggestions or if you would like to see more
conversions to be included.
© Bernd Krüger, 02.11.2011, 06.08.2018