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Latin Numerals

Type the complete Latin word (also declined or conjugated).
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Cardinal - Ordinal - Distributiv - Numeral adverb
I1the firstprīmus
II2the secondsecundus
III3the thirdtertius
IV4the fourthquartus
V5the fifthquīntus
VI6the sixthsextus
VII7the seventhseptimus
VIII8the eighthoctāvus
IX9the ninthnōnus
X10the tenthdecimus
XI11the eleventhūndecimus
XII12the twelvethduodecimus
XV15the fifteenthquintusdecimus
XVIII18the eighteenthduodēvīcēsimus
XIX19the nineteenthundēvīcēsimus
XX20the twentiethvīcēnsimus, vīcēsimus
XXVII28the twenty-eighthduodētrīcēsimus
XXIX29the twenty-ninthundētrīcēsimus
XXX30the thirtiethtrīcēsimus, trīcēnsimus
XXXVII38the thirty-eighthduodēquadrāgēsimus
XXXIX39the thirty-ninthundēquadrāgēsimus
XL40the fortiethquadrāgēnsimus
XLVIII48the forty-eighthduodēquinquāgēsimus
XLIX49the forty-ninthundēquinquāgēsimus
L50the fiftiethquīnquāgēsimus
LVIII58the fifty-eighthduodēsexāgēsimus
LIX59the fifty-ninthundēsexāgēsimus
LX60the sixtiethsexāgēsimus
LXVIII68the sixty-eighthduodēseptuāgēsimus
LXIX69the sixty-ninthundēseptuāgēsimus
LXX70the seventiethseptuāgēnsimus, septuāgēsimus
LXXVIII78the seventy-eighthduodēoctōgēsimus
LXXIX79the seventy-ninthundēoctōgēsimus
LXXX80the eightiethoctōgēsimus
LXXXVIII88the eighty-eighthduodēnōnāgēsimus
LXXXIX89the eighty-ninthundēnōnāgēsimus
XC90the ninetiethnōnāgēsimus
XCVIII98the ninety-eighthduodēcentēsimus
XCIX99the ninety-ninthundēcentēsimus
C100the hundredthcentēsimus
CC200the two hundredthducentēsimus
CCC300the three hundredthtrecentēsimus
CD400the four hundredthquadringentēsimus
D500the five hundredthquīngentēsimus
DC600the six hundredthsescentēsimus
DCC700the seven hundredthseptingentēsimus
DCCC800the eight hundredthoctingentēsimus
CM900the nine hundredthnōngentēsimus
M1000the thousandthmīllēsimus

By combining the listed numerals, numbers not listed are formed.

Language trainers Latin:

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